Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Two drastically different books

The Love Wife by Gish Jen- it was a little hard to really relate to. I find it difficult that a family of adopted and biological kids could really be that hard to feel united. It made me grumpy.

The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde - The man behind the Thurdsay Next series has a new character and it is just as silly since it is all the nursery rhyme characters coming to life. Jack Sprat investigates the death of Humpty Dumpty. Absurd and Fun my favorite combo for escapist reading.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


What do you use as a bookmark?

Top Five

5. The book marks handed out by Tattered Cover when you purchase a book.
4. Business or appointment cards
3. Folded over sticky notes
2. Paint chip cards – you know those pieces of cardstock with paint colors on them that you pick up at the paint store and take home to match to whatever you want to paint.
1. Airplane boarding passes


Too Long since my last post!

Oh how remiss I have been in posting! The holidays, making 600+ oragamy cranes for my sister’s wedding, quitting my job, it takes it out of you.

I have read many books and forgotten most. Here is a snapshot of the more memoriable ones from the last few months.

My 16 year old cousin lent me Aragon and Eldest by the wunderkind Christopher Paolini. Although derivative, I still enjoyed the tale.

Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife by Mary Roach, liked it a lot less that Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers. Stiff seemed to have some substance while Spook really seemed a bit pale in comparison. It is clear that both books were researched and humorous, but Spook just seemed to be humor at the expense of the people interviewed or researched, where with Stiff I actually learned a thing or two.

Two memoirs of women overcoming strange childhoods and achieving academic laurels.

Naked in the Promised Land: A Memoir by Lillian Faderman and The Road from Corrain by Jill Ker Conway. I really enjoyed both of them. If you choose to read each, read The Road from Corrain first, she does an excellent job of impressing upon the reader the difficulty of growing up on a sheep farm in the Australian bush with no peers then moving to Sydney and trying to learn how to socially integrate with kids her own age. She also clearly lays out the difficulty for women in academia in the early 60’s.

If you can only read one, read Naked in the Promised Land. Her tale can only be true since it is too outlandish to be fiction. Faderman made and incredible journey from the poor daughter of a mentally challenged immigrant to academic success and helping found the women’s studies movement. The life she had a as a young aspiring actress that led to her becoming a pin up model and burlesque dancer that was only on the road to earning her P.h.D and becoming an academic powerhouse is just amazing.

I started Team of Rivals today. Now that I am not employed, I will probably have some time to finish its 900 pages in time for book club next month.

Other recent non narrative books:
User Experience:
About Face 2.0
Ambient Findablility
– helps to point out the direction the intertwingling of digital and meat space. Makes you think about the potential of technology to shape entirely new ways of finding objects and information in meat space not only online.

Knit Hats!
Hip to Knit
Stitch and Bitch Nation Handbook

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